Rates and Fees

fundingalways.com is not a lender or a loan broker. We do not make loan decisions. We are a loan connect system. We connect consumers who are looking for installment loans or personal loans to lenders and marketing platforms who may be able to help by offering a loan to qualified consumers.

If after registering on the fundingalways.com website you are connected with a lender, the lender will make you an offer which will include the loan amount, the fees and APR, as well as the terms of repayment. Please make yourself aware of all terms of the loan, including the consequences if you do not make the payment on time.

You are under no obligation to accept the terms of the loan if you do not wish to. You are only obligated once you have electronically “signed” for the loan.

If you do not repay the loan in full, including all fees and interest charges, there are consequences of which you should be aware before agreeing to the loan. All questions regarding repayment and its consequences should be directed to your lender. We work with numerous lenders that each have their own sets of rules for their loans.

If you do not repay the loan, including fees, on time, typical actions taken by lenders include turning your account over to a collection agency, reporting to a credit score agency, and/or legal action.

Late Payments of loans may result in additional fees or collection activities, or both. Each lender has their own terms and conditions, please review their policies for further information. Nonpayment of credit could result in collection activities. Every lender has its own renewal policy, which may differ from lender to lender. Please review your lender’s renewal policy.

Contact your lender with any questions or problems with your loan.

fundingalways.com does not charge consumers for its loan connecting services, so registering online is free!


Get the Loan That’s Right for You!

Trusted source

We pride ourselves on our service and support. We have created an entire process to make sure that there are no delays.

In order to find the right loan for you, we tap into our vast network of lenders. Let us do all the work. All you need to do is fill out one of our simple forms on your home computer or mobile device. We have streamlined the process so you get the funds you are looking for from a trusted source!